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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association — Workshop: Nanotechnology

Nanotech Futuristic Solutions and WIOMSA announce a workshop on Nanotechnology and Its Applications for Sustainable Cities and Coasts, that will take place in Johannesburg South Africa (November/December 2021). The workshop will equip professionals and practitioners with fundamental tools of nanoscience and will make them better prepared in implementing nanotechnology in marine science, city planning, science policy advocacy and renewable energy systems. The training is open to participants from Western Africa and the adjacent island states. All fees, including training, travel and accommodation will be covered. The deadline for applications is 30 September 2021. Workshop Nanotechnology

Climate Tracker — COP26 Journalism Fellowship (in-person)

Climate Tracker plans to support a small team of 5 in-person journalists to report from inside the UN Climate Talks this October & November. Climate Tracker seeks young, but experienced reporters based in Europe or the UK, but come from a developing country background, and can speak and write in a non-English language. The 5 selected fellows will receive a stipend of €250 to publish up to 4 stories in their national media. The application deadline is 20 September 2021. In-Person Journalism Fellowship

Climate Tracker — COP26 Climate Journalism Fellowship (online)

Climate Tracker supports a team of 20 young journalists to report virtually on the UN Climate Talks this October and November. Climate Tracker seeks young, early-to-mid-career reporters who work on collaborative stories they can publish in their national media. Fellows will receive a stipend of €250 to publish up to 4 stories in their national media. Deadline is 20 September 2021. Climate Journalism Fellowship

Young Water Solutions — Young Water Fellowship Program: Senegal

Young Water Solutions supports young entrepreneurs to launch their water and sanitation related social businesses. The Young Water Fellowship provides training, seed-funding and mentorship. The bootcamp aims to empower its participants to implement projects addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), water pollution, and water scarcity. After the bootcamps Fellows can apply for a funding of up to €5 thousand to pilot their business models over 6 months. To be eligible, applicants must be 18 to 30 years old, be fluent in French, intend to stay in Senegal for at least 1.5 years after the training and spend at least 15 hours per week to work on their social business. The call for applications is open until 22 September 2021. Young Water Fellowship Senegal

Ban Ki-Moon Centre — Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation

The Young Women Leadership on Climate Adaptation program is a virtual educational and capacity-building event that fosters the leadership of African young women to induce and realize sustainable solutions that build resilience to the changing climate. The part-time training program will spread over 20-weeks between October 2021 to March 2022. The program aims to help participants to develop an advanced skills set for effective leadership and gain the knowledge to effectively communicate about climate adaptation. Participants must be women between the ages 20-35 and nationals of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria or Zimbabwe. Online applications have to be submitted by 26 September 2021. Women in Climate

Young Water Solutions — Young Water Fellowship Program: Bangladesh

Young Water Solutions supports young entrepreneurs to launch their water and sanitation related social businesses. The Young Water Fellowship provides training, seed-funding and mentorship. The bootcamp aims to empower its participants to implement projects addressing water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), water pollution, and water scarcity. After the bootcamps Fellows can apply for a funding of up to €5 thousand to pilot their business models over 6 months. To be eligible, applicants must be 18 to 30 years old, have at least an intermediate knowledge of English, intend to stay in Bangladesh for at least 1.5 years after the training and spend at least 15 hours per week to work on their social business. The call for applications is open until 10 October 2021. Young Water Fellowship Bangladesh

World Water Congress – Call for Content

The International Water Association (IWA) invites outline papers, workshop or training proposals under the theme ‘Water for smart liveable cities’ for the 2022 World Water Congress & Exhibition. The World Water Congress brings together water professionals from academia, industry, government, and NGOs. Networking opportunities enable new insights and partnerships, showcasing new ideas and solutions to solve the global water crisis. The submission deadline for content is 31 December 2021. Content for World Water Congress

Ashoka — ChangemakerXchange for Social Innovators in Europe

The ChangemakerXchange summit and accelerator program for ‘Empathy Changemakers’ for young social innovators aims to develop social-emotional competencies in children and youth to unleash their full potential to take responsibility for themselves, others and the planet. The aim of the summit is to build a cross-sectoral network of changemakers that work together to address societal issues in a collaborative manner. Eligibility extends to participants who lead, co-lead, have founded, or have co-founded an ongoing social venture that addresses a relevant social problem, including in the theme of Environment (among others). Applicants must come from Europe and be aged 18 – 35. ChangemakerXchange will cover the travel costs and conference costs for the event to be held in Cologne (Germany, October 2021). The application deadline is 15 August 2021. Know more

SEED — Starter Workshop for Eco-Enterprises in Zambia

The SEED Starter program offers workshops to guide young entrepreneurs from early stages of ideation to the generation of a viable business plan. SEED Starter invites applications from teams who develop green and inclusive business solutions to key social and environmental challenges in Zambia. Participation in the workshops is free, although participants need to cover their transportation costs and accommodation. All SEED Starter participants consist of a team of 2-5 members. Participants will be eligible to apply for a SEED Grant (of up to €1,000) after successfully completing the workshop. The application deadline is 13 August 2021. SEED Starter Workshop Zambia

BioInnovate Africa — Bioscience Innovation Bootcamp

BioInnovate Africa seeks applications for the 2021 Bioscience Innovation Bootcamp. The bootcamp is a regional science program for entrepreneurial scientists to develop innovative and commercially viable bio-based ideas. Participants are asked to develop innovative bioscience research ideas, technologies and inventions for practical use in their communities, thus fostering the development of a sustainable bioeconomy in their region. Ideas include, but are not limited to, agroecology, food and feed, wastewater treatment, bioenergy, among others. All proposed innovative bio-based ideas must have potential for commercial application. Participants have access to a 3 months acceleration program, funding, and technical assistance. The deadline for receiving applications is 16 August 2021. 2021 Bioscience Innovation Bootcamp