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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre — World Heritage Volunteers Youth Campaign

The UNESCO World Heritage Centre announces the Call for Projects for the World Heritage Volunteers (WHV) Campaign 2020. The WHV encourages young people to undertake concrete actions and to play an active role in the protection, preservation and promotion of World Heritage sites. Legally registered public or private organisations and institutions are invited to submit a project proposal for practical, hands-on workshops with youth focus. Each organisation is eligible to apply for a maximum of 4 projects to be carried out at different World Heritage sites. Projects should have a minimum 10 day duration and involve as much international volunteers as possible. Applications have to be submitted by 19 January 2020. Link to instructions

U.S. Department of State — Young Pacific Leaders Conference 2020

The US Department of State, in partnership with Cultural Vistas, accepts applications from emerging leaders (ages 25-35) across the Pacific to attend the Young Pacific Leaders (YPL) Conference in Papua New Guinea (April 2020). The Conference will include informational sessions, skills workshops, cultural activities, and site visits to deepen participants’ capacity to address regional issues related to Education; Environment and Resource Management; Civic Leadership; and Economic and Social Development. All travel, lodging and meals will be provided to selected participants. After the YPL Conference, all YPL alumni will be eligible to compete for small grant funding to support projects in their countries. Applications are due by 03 February 2020. Find out more

United States Agency for International Development — Power Africa: Young Leaders in the Energy Sector

Power Africa accepts applications from young leaders in the energy sector to participate in a four-week career development training workshop (February/March 2020). Successful applicants will be provided round-trip transportation, lodging, meals, and course materials. Young leaders (between 18-35 years) from Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Lesotho, Malawi, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Eswatini, Zambia, and Zimbabwe with experience in the energy sector are eligible to apply. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2019. Find details

Swedish International Development Agency — Training on Healthy Livestock and Safe Food

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Organizations in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda are invited to nominate candidates for the 12-months Training Program ‘Healthy Livestock – Safe Food.’ The overall objective of this program is to reduce poverty and vulnerability among smallholder farmers. Candidates representing government organisations, private companies or NGOs at national, regional or local level are encouraged to apply. The training will take place in Sweden. Sida will cover costs related to all program phases, except personal expenses, visa fees or any local airport taxes and departure fees. The closing date for applications is 15 January 2020. More about the program

Swedish International Development Agency — Disaster Risk Management in Asia

Sida funds short-term training in selected development topics for participants from developing countries. Sida seeks applications for the Advanced International Training Programme “Disaster Risk Management.” The overall objective of this program is to strengthen capacity of individuals and their organisations to manage disaster risk. The total duration of the program is 12 months (phase 1–3). Technical experts and middle management staff members employed by public authorities, civil society, and academia involved in disaster risk management from Nepal, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Cambodia are invited to apply. Sida will cover costs related to all program phases except personal expenses, visa fees or any local airport taxes and departure fees. The closing date for applications is 28 October 2019. Find the program catalog

Earth Journalism Network — Bay of Bengal Media Workshop on Climate Change Reporting

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) seeks journalists for a 10-day media workshop in Bangladesh focused on climate change justice and resilience (special focus on women and youth). The workshop provides on-the-ground experience and an opportunity for journalists to interact with experts and to participate in a field trip that will enable them to report on how climate change is impacting coastal communities. Journalists from print, web, radio and television are eligible. EJN will cover travel, accommodation and meal costs of selected participants. Deadline for applications is 04 September 2019. More

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation — Bursaries for London International Development Centre Short Course

The International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) offers three bursaries to support postgraduates and professional staff from low-and-middle-income countries for the London International Development Centre short course “Evaluation: from innovation to impact.” The program will include sessions on quantitative and qualitative research as well as methods and impact evaluations. The course will be held from in November 2019 in London (UK). The deadline for application is 15 September 2019. Find details

Global Landscapes Forum — Call for African Filmmakers

The Youth in Landscapes Initiative invites filmmakers between 18  and 35 years, to create a short film that showcases the power and the potential of youth-led actions and innovations in improving landscape management in communities in Ghana. Selected filmmakers will join the Youth in Landscape Camp being held near Accra (October 2019). The film must be between three and six minutes and can be of any genre or creative narrative. The film and supporting materials have to be received by 20 September 2019. More

International Center for Journalists — Workshop for Latin American Journalists

The Douglas Tweedale Memorial Fellowship will be awarded to two Latin American journalists who seek to improve their environmental reporting skills. The two-week professional program will take place in Lima (Peru). Participants will have appointments with area investigative journalists, environmental experts, and short embeds with media outlets specializing in environmental coverage. This fellowship is open to Latin American journalists who are fluent in Spanish and proficient in English. The application deadline is 28 August 2019. Hurry

Pride Lion Conservation Alliance and Colorado State University — Women Conservationists Leadership Workshop

Pride Lion Conservation Alliance and Colorado State University offer a special training as part of Pathways Africa 2020: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference and Training (February 2020). The 3-day training workshop is aimed at women conservationists to help strengthen their leadership skills to achieve greater conservation outcomes across Africa. Successful applicants will have their accommodation, meals, and conference registration fully funded. Additional stipends will be available for travel expenses up to US$500. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2019. Pathways Africa