IHE Delft welcomes applications for a new short course on Water Resilient Recovery, focusing on disaster recovery and long term climate resilient planning. The course consists of an online portion covering much of the theory and background, starting on 10 December 2018. The second part of the course will consist of a 1-week face-to-face training in Singapore. A small number of scholarships are available. The deadline for application for admission to the course is 29 November 2018. Find the course
Africa Energy Indaba — African Youth Energy Innovator Showcase
The Africa Energy Indaba Exhibition (Johannesburg, February 2019) focuses on energy projects on the continent, rural energy solutions, urbanization and energy needs and the renewable & sustainable energy industry. Africa Energy Indaba seeks solutions to energy problems in Africa and invites projects in the areas of energy security, environmental sustainability, and affordable energy to apply for the African Youth Energy Innovator Showcase 2019. The contest is open to 18 to 35 year old individuals from across Africa. The Top-5 finalists will each receive an opportunity to showcase their Innovation in a 2-day Exhibition during the Africa Energy Indaba (all expenses paid). The deadline for submissions is 04 January 2019. Energy Innovator 2019
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum — Participant Application 2019
Youth for Wildlife Conservation Forum is scheduled to take place prior to and during the 18th conservation policy-making convention “Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora” (CITES CoP) in Colombo, Sri Lanka (20th-28th May, 2019). Y4WC focuses on finding solutions to wildlife conservation issues, empowering early-career conservationists and developing the skills and networks of future conservation leaders. Interested conservationists (aged between 18 and 30 years) may sent an application to attend the in-person forum and CITES CoP. Travel and participation costs are covered by Y4WC. Application must be completed and submitted by 31 October 2018. More
British Council — Promoting STEM Education of Girls in Vietnam
The British Council seeks applications from UK consultants for the project “Promote school girls’ interest and participation in science and innovation through STEM education and digital skills”. The project aims to provide better high schools in Vietnam and empower girls to pursue STEM subjects as a career of choice. Participants can apply for £6,500 to be used for scoping visits, workshops, project preparation and training. Applications have to be submitted by 21 October 2018. STEM Education
British Council — Researcher Links Workshops, UK/Russia
Researcher Links Workshops bring together early-career researchers from the UK and a partner country to make international connections that can improve the quality of their research. UK and Russian Institutions can request up to £51 thousand to be used towards workshop implementation. All workshops must be held in 2019. Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK and one Principal Applicant from Russia. The submission deadline is 30 November 2018. Details here
Interreg Baltic Sea Region — Project Platform Calls
Interreg Baltic Sea Region financially supports frameworks for cooperation of core partners of projects funded by Interreg Baltic Sea Region. Project platforms must be in line with the thematic priorities of the Programme: (1) Innovation, (2) Natural Resources, (3) Transport. The Programme area covers eight EU Member States (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, parts of Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden) and three partner countries (Belarus, Norway and parts of Russia). There is a total of €1 million of funding available for platform projects. Project ideas have to be submitted by 31 January 2019. Find details
World Oceans Day — Become a Young Ocean Leader
The World Oceans Day Youth Advisory Council needs 15 new young ocean leaders from around the world. The Council works closely with The Ocean Project and its global partner network to help shape the development of World Oceans Day. Members will develop projects and help to shape the World Oceans Day. Applicants should be between the ages of 16 and 22, able to make a two-year commitment (including approximately 10 hours per month to Council activities). Applications are due by 03 October 2018. Become a Young Ocean Leader
Research Council of Norway — Arctic Field Research
The Svalbard Science Forum (SSF) promotes research activities in Svalbard and administrates funding programs to stimulate data collection and inter-disciplinary as well as international cooperation. Students and researchers can apply for arctic field grants and seed money for workshops and collaborative activities. Both Norwegian and foreign students and scientists are eligible to apply, the latter only if the project is done in close cooperation with a Norwegian institution. The deadline is 10 October 2018. Applications can be submitted through the Research Council’s Internet-based system
Coady International Institute — Women’s Leadership 2019
The Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program to enable women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities at the Coady Institute, affiliated with St Francis Xavier University in Canada. The program offers successful candidates a full scholarship that includes tuition, travel, accommodations, and meals. Applicants should have at least four years of demonstrated leadership experience in fields such as food security, environment, and others. The application deadline is 30 November 2018. More about the program
International Center for Journalists — Global Climate Reporting Program 2018
The ICFJ accepts applications for the Global Climate Reporting Program. Participants will learn from global experts about how extreme weather and climate affect human health and safety and natural ecosystems, and produce stories on these critical topics. Participants will travel to San Francisco in September to attend the 2018 Global Climate Action Summit. Airfare, lodging and meals during the program will be covered by the organizers. The program is open to journalists from all countries. The application deadline is 19 August 2018. Find the program