AuthorAID announces its second round of small grants in 2016 to support researchers in developing countries with travel and workshops. In this second round, AuthorAID plans to award six travel grants (US$1,500 each) and six workshop grants (US$2,500 each). AuthorAID posts the list of eligible developing countries. The deadline to apply for travel grants is 17 July 2016. The deadline to apply for workshop grants is 27 July 2016. Link
Global Climate Change Alliance — Global Learning Event in Support of COP21
The European Commission announces its global event, “Innovative and Effective Approaches to Climate Change Adaptation and Other Post-COP21 Agreement Priorities,” scheduled for three days in September 2016. The event in Brussels will explore how experience on the ground influences policy development and vice-versa through discussion of four specific topics. The conference organizers invite proposals on these topics from EU Delegation representatives; implementing partners; governmental bodies; and non-state actors from academia, NGOs, and the private sector. Travel support will be provided to selected presenters, subject to individual arrangements. The deadline for one-page concept notes is 15 June 2016. Link
University of Cape Town — CSAG Winter School 2016
The Climate Systems Analysis Group (CSAG) at the University of Cape Town organizes a “winter school” intensive course, with the next one scheduled for five days in June-July 2016. The course is presented by facilitators from CSAG and other institutions to take participants through the full spectrum of topics related to climate and climate change, with an emphasis on issues in developing countries. CSAG offers partial sponsorships to some participants. The first application deadline is 09 May 2016; the final deadline is 30 May 2016. Link