The Garden Club of America (GCA) offers several grants, prizes, and fellowships for students enrolled at universities in the USA, including some awards that have a tropical focus. The GCA Awards in Tropical Botany are open to PhD candidates (application deadline is 15 January); the Loy McCandless Marks Scholarship in Tropical Horticulture is restricted to U.S. citizens who are graduate students or advanced undergraduate students (deadline is 15 January). The Anne Chatham Fellowship in Medicinal Botany is open to PhD students and recent PhD graduates (deadline is 31 January). Applicants should review all programs, criteria, and deadlines. Botany and Horticulture Scholarships
U.S. Agency for International Development — Development Innovation Ventures
USAID sponsors Development Innovation Ventures (DIV) to identify, develop, test, and scale innovative approaches in development. DIV’s portfolio includes projects across the range of USAID’s program areas – including in agriculture, energy, climate change, water, waste management, and others related to natural resources and the environment. Applicants may apply for any of the three following stages: Proof of Concept (Up to US$200 thousand for up to 3 years), Testing and Positioning for Scale (US$200 thousand to $1.5 million for up to 3 years), and Scaling (US$1.5 million to US$15 million for up to 5 years). Proposals are accepted year-round, from any type of organization (including private businesses, faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education, foundations, civic groups, regional organizations, and international organizations), in any country. Link
Thomson Reuters Foundation — Free Legal Services for NGOs
TrustLaw is the Thomson Reuters Foundation’s global pro bono legal program. The pro bono network works with legal teams and lawyers who provide free legal support to NGOs and social enterprises. Interested organizations apply for a free membership, explain their project and specific needs and lawyers can volunteer to work on projects that interest them. New applications are accepted on a continuous basis. More about TrustLaw
Pure Ocean — Pure Ocean Challenges
Pure Ocean supports innovative applied research projects worldwide, protecting fragile marine ecosystems and biodiversity. Pure Ocean seeks projects that develop marine conservation initiatives managed by local communities and Indigenous peoples or explore nature-based solutions for the preservation of blue carbon ecosystems. Only non-profit organizations (NGOs, universities, research institutes) can apply and receive funding. Pure Ocean only supports scientific projects addressing a clearly defined research question. Selected projects will receive up to €40 thousand ( €25 thousand/year), for the duration of one to two years. Applications have to be submitted by 01 October 2024. Pure Ocean Challenges
Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry — Photo Competition
The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and World Agroforestry (ICRAF) seek photographs that highlight the role of forests and trees in protecting the planet’s biodiversity. Entries can show trees in forests, on farms, in landscapes or any subject that depicts why trees matter to all forms of life on Earth. Participants can win up to US$500 and have their work displayed on CIFOR-ICRAF’s digital platforms. The competition is open to professional and amateur photographers from around the world. Entries must be submitted by 14 October 2024. Trees and Life Photo Competition
Smithsonian Institution — Resilience and Sustainability Science Postdoctoral Fellowship
Smithsonian seeks to support up to five post-doctoral fellows as they conduct independent research in support of the Smithsonian’s goals to understand and expand resilience. These fellows will be able to leverage the Smithsonian’s resources, including its scientists, collections, exhibits, and data sets, to advance scientific understanding of resilience and sustainability in either marine or terrestrial systems. Recipients will receive a stipend of $62 thousand per year for Postdoctoral Fellows. Stipends are prorated for periods of less than 24 months. A maximum research allowance of $10 thousand is available for the fellowship period. The fellowship program is open to qualified applicants worldwide. All applications must be submitted by 15 October 2024. Resilience and Sustainability Science Postdoctoral Fellowship
Global Solutions Initiative — Recoupling Awards
The “Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards” aim to reward young changemakers from all over the world who contribute actively towards a better alignment of economic prosperity with environmental sustainability. The award seeks to recognize impactful youth-led projects and initiatives that drive change on the ground. Projects can be social enterprises as well as youth-led nonprofit initiatives. The application deadline is 31 October 2024. Young Global Changers Recoupling Awards
Conrad Foundation — Spirit of Innovation Challenge 2024-2025
The Spirit of Innovation Challenge is a worldwide competition for youth ages 13-18 to create commercially viable products or services to address issues of global sustainability. Categories include “Energy and Environment”. Ideas are submitted by student teams, which can be international, if desired. There is a fee for team registration (discounted rates may apply for qualified title one schools or special circumstances). The winning teams are offered seed money to continue the development of their ideas. The application deadline for the activation stage (phase 1) is 01 November 2024. Link to the challenge
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation — Environmental Photography Award
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation (PA2F) Environmental Photography Award aims to reward photographers who put their creativity to good use in raising awareness on environmental protection. Photographers are invited to reflect on our relationship towards nature and the interrelation between human health and planetary health. Images can be entered in 5 categories: Polar Wonders, Beneath the Canopy, Life under the Surface, Humanity versus Nature, and Towards a Sustainable Future. The grand prize winner receives €5 thousand, each category winner receives €1 thousand. The closing date for entries is 03 November 2024. Environmental Photography Award
Biodiversa+ — Biodiversity and Transformative Change
Biodiversa+ launches a joint call for transnational research proposals on the topic “Biodiversity and Transformative Change” (BiodivMon). The call is focused on helping understand trade-offs and cross-linkages between the worldwide crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution and identifing transformation processes that may safeguard biodiversity by mitigating its threats and halt its decline. The call is an opportunity to advance knowledge on biodiversity through monitoring, building on previous and existing efforts across Europe and beyond. Funding organizations have reserved a total amount of over €40 million for joint research projects. Research teams must form transnational research consortia with eligible partners from a minimum of 3 countries participating in the call. The deadline for pre-proposals submission is 08 November 2024. Biodiversa Joint Call