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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

SDG Academy — Online Course: Natural Resources for Sustainable Development

SDG Academy, in partnership with edX, offers an online course on natural resources for sustainable development. In this 12-week course, participants will learn about efforts to sustainably manage extractive industry investments. Applicants who are sustainable development practitioners, such as those who work in corporate sustainability and responsibility or renewable energy, graduate students and climate change activists or are particularly encouraged to participate. The course is free. Enrollment is open. More

Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities — Environmental Arts Scholarship

Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities EARTH Scholarship enables international research collaborations between PhD and early-career researchers and Scottish universities. The program aims to promote the role of environmental arts in addressing the climate emergency and their capacity for interdisciplinary research within STEAM contexts. The program will provide scholarships for researchers based outside the UK to come to Scotland to undertake in-person exchanges for up to 3 months in 2025. The deadline for full application is 25 September 2024. SGSAH EARTH Scholarships 2025

Global Center on Adaptation — Climate Adaption Video Competition

For the Youth Climate Adaptation Action Day, the Global Center on Adaptation seeks one-minute videos on “My Climate Adaptation Solution.” The competition is open to youth between 18-35 years old who want to showcase their fight against climate change. The competition closes on 26 September 2024. Climate Adaption Video Competition

World Academy of Sciences — Visiting Expert Programme

The TWAS Visiting Expert Programme supports visits of internationally renowned scientists to research institutions located in developing countries, especially least-developed countries. Only persons who have attained international recognition in their fields of science will be considered for support. Nominations of women are particularly welcome. Applications are made jointly by the host institution in the developing country and the visiting expert. The deadline for applications is 07 October 2024. Link to TWAS

World Academy of Sciences — Fellowships for Research and Advanced Training

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) offers fellowships to young scientists in developing countries to enable them to spend three to 12 months at a research institution in a developing country other than their own. The purpose of these fellowships is to enhance the research capacity of promising scientists and to foster links for further collaboration. Costs are shared between TWAS and the host institutions. The fellowships are for research and advanced training. There is no age limit. However, preference is given to young scientists at the beginning of their research career and those working in Least Developed Countries. The deadline to apply is 09 October 2024. TWAS Fellowship

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education — Young Water Diplomats Program

The Young Water Diplomats Program is an interdisciplinary training and networking program for early-career diplomats engaged in international water and environmental politics. The program features online and in-person learning activities to enhance participants’ understanding of transboundary water challenges and advance their ability to use tools for water cooperation and diplomacy. There are a limited number of fellowships for applicants from low- and middle-income countries. The application deadline is 14 October 2024. Young Water Diplomats Program

Munich Re Foundation — RISK Award “Children and Youths”

The RISK Award seeks operational field projects in risk reduction and disaster management. The prize will provide financial support of €100 thousand to projects dedicated to increasing people’s resilience to risks and disasters, especially in developing countries. The submitted projects may emphasize the importance of children and young people as agents of change. There are no eligibility restrictions but research institutions and NGOs are especially encouraged to submit. Projects have to be submitted by 17 October 2024. More

Composting Council Research and Education Foundation — Poster Contest

The International Compost Awareness Week Committee invites submissions for its annual poster contest. This year’s theme is “Composting in My Community”. The winning poster will serve as the promotional piece of the 2025 International Compost Awareness Week and the winner will receive US$500. The contest is open to anyone from 9th grade (age 14) or older from anywhere in the world. The contest runs until 01 November 2024. About the poster contest

Schlumberger Foundation — Funding for Women in PhD and Postdoctoral Studies

Schlumberger Foundation’s ‘Faculty of the Future’ supports women in developing and emerging economies in pursuing PhD and postdoctoral studies at the international level. Grants are in the physical sciences, engineering, and related fields — including past grants in subjects such as ecology and environment. Grants can be up to US$50 thousand per year for PhD courses and a maximum of US$40 thousand for post-doc research programs. The deadline to submit new applications is 08 November 2024. Faculty of the Future

Pulitzer Center — Local Letters for Global Change

Local Letters for Global Change is a Pulitzer Center writing contest for students. Students are encouraged to write a letter to a local elected representative that explains the global issue they want them to prioritize (e.g., Climate and Environment), shows how it connects to their local community and proposes a solution. The Pulitzer Center welcomes entries from all current K-12 students across the globe. First-place winners will receive US$300 to support global community engagement. Educators working with groups of 50 or more students can also schedule a free, virtual workshop facilitated by a member of the Pulitzer Center Education team. The application deadline is 15 November 2024. Letters for Global Change