The D-Prize funds pilot projects that more widely distribute relatively low-cost products and services in the fight against poverty. The current challenges include social enterprises for innovations in specified themes of agriculture; energy; WASH; and several other categories. The D-Prize will award 30 teams with up to US$20 thousand each to launch nonprofits or social ventures that can distribute proven poverty interventions to people in need. Eligibility to compete extends to entrepreneurs anywhere in the world and of any age or background. The D-Prize invites concept notes before 13 October 2024 (early deadline); 03 November 2024 (regular deadline); or 24 November 2024 (limited extension). Link to D-Prize
European Commission — TROPIMUNDO Masters Program in Tropical Biodiversity and Ecosystems
TROPIMUNDO is a 2-year Erasmus Mundus master’s program in tropical biodiversity and ecosystems. Students alternate their semesters between consortium universities in Europe (Belgium, France, Italy) and tropical regions outside Europe (Australia, Cameroon, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Malaysia). Applicants should have an internationally accepted bachelor’s degree in biology, natural sciences, environmental sciences, or equivalent. The EC provides a certain number of scholarships for EU and non-EU students. The deadline for applications (for scholarship seekers or self-funded applicants) is 30 November 2024. About TROPIMUNDO
Science for People and Nature Partnership — Critical Conservation Challenges
In support of the United Nations agenda on sustainable development, the Science for People and Nature Partnership (SNAPP) aims to find solutions for problems at the interface of economic development, nature conservation, and human well-being. SNAPP operates through working groups that represent 200 institutions from more than 30 countries. SNAPP provides up to US$1 million total across 4-6 working groups. Proposals are invited from researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, governmental, multilateral, or non-profit institution. Individuals operating independently are also eligible to apply. Proposals from low- and middle-income countries are especially welcome. The deadline for proposals is 03 December 2024. Science for Nature and People Partnership
British Academy — International Writing Workshops
The British Academy invites proposals for Writing Workshops in developing countries. The aim of the Writing Workshops is to provide early-career researchers with access to the academic requirements of journals, including international journals, and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills to publish in these journals. Awards are set at a maximum of £30 thousand. Funding must be used in the direct delivery of the workshops and can cover travel and related expenses. The lead applicant must be based at a UK university or research institute. Each application must have at least one co-applicant based in an ODA-eligible country. The deadline for submissions is on 09 January 2025. More information
MDPI — Forests Travel Award
The Forests Travel Award encourages junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in the field of forests and forest ecology. The financial support of CHF800 can be used to attend an international conference held in 2025. Applicants must be postdoctoral fellows or PhD students involved in forestry-related sciences. Applications have to be submitted by 31 January 2025. Forests Travel Award
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation — International Climate Protection Fellowships 2025
The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation offers 15 fellowships for young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and pursuing long-term collaboration. The fellowship (up to €2,670 per month) allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection. Fellows choose their own hosts. The fellowship includes intensive language training and an orientation program during the introductory phase. The deadline for applications is 01 February 2025. Climate Protection Fellowships
Swiss National Science Foundation — Postdoc Mobility
Postdoc researchers who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland are invited to apply to the Postdoc.Mobility fellowships. The research stay enables researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence, and enhances their research profile. The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat rate for travel expenses, and a possible contribution to research and conference costs. The funding period is 24 months. Foreign nationals are eligible if they have at least 2 years of research activity at a Swiss research institution. The application deadlines are 01 February and 02 August 2025. Postdoc.Mobility
Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation — Science without Borders Challenge 2025
The Science Without Borders (SWB) Challenge is an international student art competition. The theme for this year’s challenge is “Marine Keystone Species.” Students are asked to use their artistic talents to create a piece of art featuring a keystone species that lives in the ocean, highlighting this creature’s vital role in its marine ecosystem. The SWB Challenge is open to primary and secondary school students (aged 11-19 years) from all around the world. The winners will receive scholarships of up to US$500. The deadline is 03 March 2025. Science Without Borders Challenge
Lighthouse Foundation — Coastal and Marine Conservation
The Lighthouse Foundation promotes science and research, teaching, culture, and the principles of environmentalism and international development in relation to the world’s seas and oceans. Funded partners of the Lighthouse Foundation are conservation NGOs, community NGOs, universities and educational organizations, and government organizations. There is no application form. Link
Network for Social Change — Development and Environment
The Network for Social Change supports socially progressive projects in the UK and developing countries. Supported projects include some in the area of environment, natural resources, and related fields. The Network does not accept unsolicited funding applications. However, the Network is willing to receive project ideas from outside of its membership via its Project Noticeboard. About