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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Climatelinks — Photo Contest

The Climatelinks Photo Contest seeks submissions that show the breadth of issues, impacts, and solutions to climate change. The 2024 Photo Contest theme is “In Focus: Communities Confronting Climate Change.” Participants can submit up to 5 photos that show local communities addressing climate change across 14 categories. The contest runs until 19 July 2024. Climatelinks Photo Contest

Women and Gender Constituency — Gender Just Climate Solutions Award 2024

The Women & Gender Constituency invites applications for the Gender Just Climate Solutions Awards. The awards aim to showcase real solutions for a more just, equal, and healthy planet, such as non-technical climate solutions, technical climate solutions, and transformational climate initiatives with a women or gender perspective. Three winners will each receive € 5,000 and a chance to attend the COPs. All types of activist, grassroots, and women-led organizations working on issues related to climate change from all over the world are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submission is 21 July 2024. Details

Future for Nature Foundation — Future for Nature Award 2025

The Future for Nature Award aims to stimulate a new generation of nature conservation leaders. The award is made to candidates of any nationality or residence, not older than age 35, who have achieved substantial and long-term benefit to the conservation status of one or more animal and/or plant species, or that of a specific population. Work-related to the conservation and protection of endangered species is a priority. The award is made to individuals, not organizations. Each of the three award winners will be given a cash prize and a sculpture. The winners are expected to invest their prize of €50 thousand in a conservation project of their own choice. The application deadline is 23 August 2024. Future for Nature Award

Royal Society — Entrepreneur in Residence

The Royal Society Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) scheme aims to increase the knowledge and awareness in UK universities of cutting-edge industrial science, research, and innovation. The scheme provides industrial scientists and entrepreneurs with the opportunity to spend one day a week at a university developing their projects. The EiR awards are for one year. The value of the scheme is up to a maximum of £20 thousand. The scheme is open to applicants of any nationality, who are eligible to work in the UK. Applicants should have a background in science and engineering. The deadline for applications is 18 September 2024. Details here

International Center for New Media — World Summit Awards 2024

Nominations are open for the World Summit Awards (WSA) and the WSA Young Innovators Awards (young social entrepreneurs under 26 years of age). Start-ups and social entrepreneurs are asked to submit their local digital innovations with high social impact. The 8 award categories include one on Environment & Green Energy (climate, sustainable resources, agriculture). The winner does not receive a monetary award but does benefit from partnerships and integrations. Applications are accepted from companies, organizations, or individuals. The deadline to apply for WSA and WSA Young Innovators is 15 October 2024. (Deadlines for national submission of applications for WSA may vary locally.) Find out more

Worldwide Universities Network — Research Development Fund

The WUN Research Development Fund (RDF) provides grants of up to £10 thousand for one year to foster research collaborations among academic staff (faculty) at WUN member universities. Applications are open to researchers from WUN member institutions. The RDF supports research projects that fall under the network’s principal research theme of sustainable development. The closing date is 18 October 2024. (Note: Most WUN member universities have earlier internal submission deadlines, and prospective applicants should contact their local WUN Coordinator as soon as possible.) Link to guidelines

Iran Ministry of Science and Technology — 38th Khwarizmi International Award

The Khwarizmi International Award recognizes outstanding scientific achievements made by researchers, inventors, and innovators from all over the world. The disciplinary fields include Agriculture, Natural Resources, Animal Sciences & Veterinary Medicine, Biotechnology, Green Technologies, among others. The deadline for submission is 01 November 2024. Learn about the award

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — World Food Day Poster Contest (Age 5-19)

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FOA) calls on children and teens from all over the world (ages 5 to 19) to use their imagination and create a poster of their water action for food. “Rights to foods” explores how we should all be able to enjoy nutritious food so that we can grow and live an active life. Winners will be promoted by FAO offices around the world and receive a surprise gift bag. Entries have to be submitted by 08 November 2024. Submit a poster

Belmont Forum — Tropical Forests

The Belmont Forum aims to coordinate actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions. The Belmont Forum will fund three-year projects. This call for proposals recognizes the growing threats to those ecosystems and their inhabitants, such as climate change, deforestation, unregulated agroindustry and land conversion, illegal activities, pollution, and environmental/climate injustices. All projects should include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries. Registrations are due on 12 November 2024. Tropical Forests Call

American Philosophical Society — Fund for Exploration and Field Research

The Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research supports doctoral students in collecting specimens and data in disciplines relying heavily on field studies, e.g., biology, ecology, geography, and others. Applicants from the USA may use the grants for research anywhere in the world. Applicants from other countries must be based at an institution in the USA, or carry out their work in the USA. The grants are up to US$5 thousand. The closing date for applications is 15 November 2024. Link