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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

L’Oreal and UNESCO — Young Talents for Women in Science

The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science program supports the involvement of young women in scientific research. This program rewards young female researchers in life and environmental sciences, material sciences, mathematics, computer and information sciences, engineering sciences, and technology. Six young Arab women researchers will receive €10 thousand to support their doctoral or postdoctoral research studies. The doctoral candidates must work in a research laboratory, institute, or university in one of the following countries: Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and the Syrian Arab Republic. Applications have to be submitted by 21 April 2024. Women in Science

The Iris Project — Prize for Nature Conservation

The Iris Prize celebrates and supports young people accelerating action to protect and restore nature. The Iris Project awards three grants each year: US$5,000 for ages 14-24 awarded for a new idea; US$10 thousand for ages 16-24 awarded for an existing project; US$15 thousand for ages 16-24 awarded for an established project. Application is open to individuals, teams and organizations from all around the world. Applications are open until 30 April 2024. About the prize

Youth4Climate — Solutions and Climate Action

Youth4Climate aims to support the work of young people and youth-led organizations in five thematic areas: Climate and Environment Literacy, Sustainable Energy, Food and Agriculture, Nature Assets, and Sustainable Consumption & Production. Successful applicants will be awarded up to US$ 30 thousand to implement or scale their innovations. Proposals can be submitted in English, French, or Spanish. The application deadline is 26 May 2024. Linkt to Youth4Climate

Bow Seat — Ocean Awareness Contest

The 2024 Ocean Awareness Contest – Tell Your Climate Story – encourages students to learn about both climate change and solutions to the climate crisis. Participants are invited to create a piece of art, writing, or media that highlights their efforts, organizations, and/or positive impacts of an inspirational scientist, activist, artist, educator, or other hero who is working to solve climate change issues. Students ages 11-18 from around the world are invited to participate in the contest. Winners can earn cash awards of up to US$1,500. The contest deadline is 10 June 2024. Ocean Awareness Contest

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute — 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) invites applications for a three-year postdoctoral fellowship in tropical animal behavior. The annual stipend is US$62 thousand, and the annual research and travel budget is up to US$13 thousand per year. Fellows will be based in Panama and will have the opportunity to conduct comparative research throughout the tropics. Please note that applicants must find a STRI scientific staff member who will serve as their main host/advisor before submitting a final application. Applications have to be submitted by 15 July 2024. Find the guidelines

American Orchid Society — Annual Conservation Awards

The American Orchid Society sponsors the Conservation Awards to honor outstanding work in orchid conservation. One prize focuses on conservation in North America; the other has no geographical limitations. The prize is US$500, with an additional two runner-up awards of US$250. The closing date for nominations is 01 September each year. About the Conservation Awards

European Commission — Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2024

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships provide opportunities to acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work on research in a European context or outside Europe. The scheme particularly supports the return and re-integration of researchers from outside Europe who have previously worked there. It also develops or helps to re-start the careers of individual researchers that show great potential, considering their experience. Applicants in the EU; their overseas territories; countries associated with Horizon 2020; and most developing countries are eligible for consideration. The closing date for applications is 11 September 2024. About

Hawk Migration Association of North America — Research Award

The Hawk Migration Association of North America Research Award supports field studies relating to raptor migration ecology and behavior, population monitoring, and conservation. Up to two proposals with a total value of US$1 thousand each will be funded per year. Grants can be used for research targeted to understanding the connectivity among breeding, migrating, and non-breeding distributions of raptor species or monitoring activities. The deadline for proposals is 01 November 2024. HMANA Research Award

Volvo Environment Prize — Nominations 2025

The Volvo Environment Prize aims to promote scientific research and innovations that in broad terms fall within the environmental and sustainability field. The Volvo Environment Prize Foundation invites universities, research institutes, scientists, engineers, as well as other individuals and organizations to submit nominations. Priority is given to an individual or to a group of individuals. Past laureates have included leaders in fields such as global change, biodiversity, energy efficiency, and others. The Prize consists of a diploma, sculpture, and cash award for SEK 1.5 million. The deadline for nominations is 20 January 2025. Volvo Environment Prize

World Land Trust — Land Purchase for Conservation

The Trust provides funding for the initial acquisition of land that has conservation importance. It also funds additional activities related to protection, biodiversity monitoring, education, outreach, habitat restoration, and species reintroduction. The Trust works with legally registered and experienced conservation NGOs based in developing countries. Qualified conservation organizations that seek to become partners prepare a project proposal that follows the Trust’s criteria. There is no calendar deadline. About Buy an Acre