Xiamen University (XMU) in coastal Southeast China supports several doctoral, master’s, and undergraduate programs in English. Subject areas at XMU include marine affairs, environmental sciences and ecology, life sciences, and many others. The university’s scholarship programs include several for international students. The application deadline is 10 April 2024. Find out more
International Herpetological Symposium — Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
The International Herpetological Symposium (IHS) provides financial assistance to individuals or organizations conducting herpetological research, conservation, and education. Grants are up to US$1,000. Eligibility extends to any individual from the herpetological community from around the world. Students are encouraged to apply. Proposals are due by 30 April of each year. About IHS grants
World Food Prize Foundation — World Food Prize 2024
The World Food Prize Foundation invites nominations for the annual World Food Prize. The World Food Prize (US$250 thousand) recognizes an individual or individuals who have made outstanding achievements to enhance the world’s food production and its distribution to those most in need. Fields of achievement include soil and land; plant and animal science; food science and technology; rural development; water and the environment; natural resource conservation; poverty elimination; and many others. The deadline for nominations is 01 May 2024. About the World Food Prize
World Academy of Sciences — Young Scientists Award for Frontier Science
The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) recognizes the scientific achievements of young scientists living and working in a developing country. The third edition of the TWAS-CAS award will recognize achievements in Earth Sciences. The award is worth US$10 thousand. TWAS invites nominations from science academies, national research councils, universities, and scientific institutions. Self-nominations will not be considered. Eligible candidates are young scientists (not older than 45 years of age). The deadline for receiving nominations is 10 May 2024. Young Scientists Award
Turtle Conservation Fund — Research and Conservation of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles
The Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF) makes grants to organizations and individuals worldwide for the conservation and research of endangered and critically endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. TCF lists priority species. Most regular grants are US$2 thousand to US$5 thousand per project. The Fund also makes seed grants of US$1 thousand or less. Application deadlines for both programs are 01 June and 01 December of each year. Know more
World Food Prize Foundation — Borlaug Award for Field Research 2024
The World Food Prize Foundation invites nominations for the Norman Borlaug Award for Field Research. The Award (US$10 thousand) recognizes science-based achievement in international agriculture and food production by an individual under the age of 40. The award will honor an individual who is working closely “in the field” with farmers, animal herders, fishers, or others in rural communities. The deadline for nominations is 15 June 2024. Norman Borlaug Field Awards
Club300 Foundation — Grants for Bird Protection
The Club300 Foundation, based in Sweden, makes grants of up to US$5 thousand for bird protection on a worldwide basis. The objective is to support research and conservation of the world’s highly threatened and poorly known bird species (IUCN’s Red List). Only applications concerning projects aimed at birds listed as Critically Endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Extinct in the Wild (EW), or Data Deficient (DD) are eligible for funding. The deadline for applications (English or Swedish) is 31 July of each year. More information
Global Biodiversity Information Facility — Ebbe Nielsen Challenge 2024
The GBIF Ebbe Nielsen Challenge is an annual competition that seeks to inspire innovative applications of open-access biodiversity data. In 2024, the Challenge will award a total of €20 thousand for advancements in open science that feature tools and techniques that improve the access, usefulness, and quality of open biodiversity data. The Challenge is open worldwide to individuals, teams of individuals, companies and their employees, and governmental agencies and their employees. The closing date for submissions is 14 August 2024. Ebbe Nielsen Challenge
OPEC Fund for International Development — Grants
The OPEC Fund provides financial assistance to developing countries, particularly low-income countries, in support of their economic and social development efforts. OPEC will consider requests for (i) grants for country-specific activities and projects; (ii) grants for special development initiatives of global or regional scope; and (iii) emergency aid. In the past, the OPEC Fund has financed projects in agriculture, energy, health, transportation, and water and sanitation sectors. The amount of the contribution will vary according to the scope and the nature of the proposed activity. However, except for emergency aid and small grants in amounts of up to US$100 thousand, OPEC’s contribution should not exceed 50% of the total cost. Eligible partners are any government or non-government entity, including co-financing partners, private sector entities, research entities, UN agencies, and international NGOs. There is no deadline. Know more about the OPEC Fund
British Ecological Society — Training & Travel Grants
The British Ecological Society (BES) makes grants to PhD students and postgraduate research assistants to meet the costs of specialist field training courses and to network and publicize their research at workshops and conferences. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on the nationality or residence of applicants. Grants of up to £500 are available. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 25 January and 25 July. Training & Travel grants