The Energy Globe Award recognizes outstanding projects worldwide that conserve and protect natural resources, and that employ renewable energy. Energy Globe seeks innovative projects and smart technologies in five categories: Earth, Fire, Water, Air, and Youth. The international winners in each of the five categories receive €2000 in prize money. Applicants can be individuals as well as organizations (i.e., private companies and corporations, development NGOs, community associations, government agencies, universities, and others) that contribute to climate change and other environmental issues. The deadline for applications is 31 Januar 2024. About participation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology — Water Innovation Prize 2024
The MIT Water Innovation Prize is a startup competition focused on water innovation. Submitted projects must involve a technology, product, service, or process aimed at solving a problem related to the world’s water challenges. Entering teams must include at least one student who is fully enrolled at any college or university. There are no restrictions regarding nationality. Winners will be awarded innovation grants of up to US$50 thousand. The application deadline for the statement of intent is 09 February 2024. Water Innovation Prize
Cultural Survival — Small Grants for Indigenous-led Projects
The Keepers of the Earth Fund (KOEF) is a small grant fund supporting Indigenous values-based community development. Grants range between US$500 and US$7 thousand and are awarded to Indigenous-led projects, organizations, and groups worldwide. Themes of past grants include biodiversity conservation, cultural heritage, climate change, fair use of natural resources, and others. The application deadline is 10 February 2024. Link to KOEF
UNESCO — Media Development Opportunity
UNESCO’s International Program for the Development of Communication allows organizations to secure support for their initiatives. Project proposals are encouraged to leverage UNESCO resources, particularly journalism education handbooks. Projects should fall within a budget range of US$10 thousand to US$35 thousand. Each country is invited to submit one national project. The deadline for submission is 12 February 2024. Know more
Scientific Exploration Society — Explorer Awards 2024
The Scientific Exploration Society (SES) awards “pioneers with purpose” who combine innovative field expeditions with important research contributions, including in subject areas related to the environment and conservation. The awards are intended to provide a financial contribution to the overall cost of the fieldwork phase of scientific exploration. Grants range from US$4 thousand to US$7 thousand. For 2024, SES announces six award categories. The application deadline for a simple online application (stage 1) is 14 February 2024. Explore
United Nations — Strategic Needs Fellowship
The Strategic Needs Fellowship aims to enable the most vulnerable States, particularly least developed countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, to better address strategically important and time-sensitive issues facing them in ocean affairs and the law of the sea. The Fellowship consists of a four-month training program at the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea at the United Nations Headquarters in New York (USA). States are invited to nominate Government officials with limited background in ocean affairs and the law of the sea, who are filling key positions in their Administration for the position. The deadline for applications is 16 February 2024. Nippon Foundation Strategic Needs Fellowship
Turkish Government — Türkiye Scholarships Burslari 2024
The Turkish Government offers scholarships to international students. The government-funded scholarship program is awarded to students who pursue full-time or short-term programs at universities in Turkey. Fields of study include Agriculture, Natural and Applied Sciences, amongst many others. Applications are open from students from all around the world. Türkiye Scholarships Burslari provides financial support and university placements to its awardees. The application deadline is 20 February 2024. Türkiye Scholarships
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund — Grants in Support of Endangered and Critically Endangered Species
The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund makes grants to individuals, communities, and organizations for the conservation of threatened or poorly known animal, plant, and fungi species worldwide. The Fund uses the IUCN Red List as the primary guide to the conservation status of a given species, although documented variations for sub-species, distinct populations, and subpopulations will be taken into account. Grants are up to US$25 thousand. Applications must be submitted in English. The next application deadlines are 29 February, 30 June, and 31 October 2024. Know more
Arrell Food Institute — Global Food Innovation Awards 2024
The Arrell Food Institute invites nominations for the 2024 Arrell Global Food Innovation Awards. The Award recognizes global excellence in food innovation and community impact through research and food security. Individuals or teams of any country are eligible for nomination. Two winners will receive C$100 thousand each, plus up to C$25 thousand for travel and accommodation to participate in the Arrell Food Summit. Nominations may come from private companies, academic institutions, governmental units, charitable foundations, and not-for-profit organizations. Nominations are accepted until 05 March 2024. Food Innovation Awards
British Ecological Society — Small Research Grants 2024
The British Ecological Society (BES) makes small research grants in support of scientific ecological research where there are limited alternative sources of funding. Small projects can be awarded up to £5 thousand. Applicants must be members of BES. However, there are no restrictions on nationality or residence of applicants, or where they carry out their research. The program has two funding rounds annually, with deadlines on 08 March and 11 September. More about the Research Grants