The WE Empower UN SDG Challenge is a global competition for women social entrepreneurs who are advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The challenge honors innovative women entrepreneurs, invests in the most inspiring and transformational ideas, and ignites awareness. Awardees will participate in a dynamic pitch competition to present their business for the opportunity to receive a US$20 thousand grant. The competition is open to female entrepreneurs and business leaders from all around the world. The application deadline is 12 April 2024. WE Empower
American Association for the Advancement of Science — Science and SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists 2024
The Prize is awarded to a young scientist for outstanding life science research for which he/she was awarded a doctoral degree. The awards are made in four fields of life science research, one of which is Ecology and Environment. Eligible entrants for the 2024 Prize must have been awarded their doctoral degrees in 2022 or 2023. The winners in each category will each receive US$10 thousand, and the grand prize winner will receive US$30 thousand. The application deadline is 15 July 2024. Science Prize
German Academic Exchange Service — Postgraduate Courses in Germany 2025-2026
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to qualified individuals from eligible developing countries for post-graduate studies at German universities in development-related subjects. The program (EPOS) is open to individuals who have completed their previous academic degrees no longer than six years previously; who have at least two years of professional experience; and who are nationals of countries receiving official development assistance (DAC list of the OECD). The available courses range across water resources; renewable energy; land management and tenure; agricultural sciences; forest sciences; ecology; nature conservation; environmental governance; and many others. The application deadline for the next intake (October 2024) is 31 August 2024. EPOS Scholarship
Stockholm International Water Institute — Stockholm Water Prize 2025
The Stockholm Water Prize is awarded annually for outstanding achievements supporting the availability, conservation, and protection of the world’s water resources. The award is open to individuals and organizations of any nationality whose work contributes broadly to the conservation and protection of water resources. The Stockholm Water Prize consists of an award of US$150 thousand and a crystal sculpture. The deadline for nominations is 30 September 2024. Nominate
Foundation for the Third Millennium — Sustainability Program
The Foundation for the Third Millennium offers funds to projects that promote environmental protection and health, social justice, and economic independence in balanced proportions. Applications should focus on combining ecological, social, and economic aspects. The Foundation gives preference to organizations based in Switzerland and in neighboring European countries, but may also accept grant seekers from Eastern Europe or worldwide. Applications can be submitted anytime. Process
Rainforest Action Network — Climate Action Fund
The Climate Action Fund makes small grants to community groups that are active in preventing the extraction of fossil fuels, and in preventing or decommissioning large point sources of greenhouse gas emissions. Grants can be made in all regions, but the Fund’s geographic priority areas are South and North America. Grants generally do not exceed US$2,500. Applications can be submitted at any time. About the Climate Action Fund
International Trade Centre — Youth Ecopreneurs
The Ye! Youth Ecopreneur Program welcomes young entrepreneurs to submit their green business initiatives. The program includes a global boot camp, and accelerator phase, and concludes with the celebrated Youth Ecopreneur Awards. The winner of the Youth Ecopreneur Award receives US$10 thousand in prize money. Applicants must be under the age of 35 and lead businesses that promote land restoration, sustainability, circularity, and/or the green economy. The application deadline is 22 March 2024. Ye! Youth Ecopreneur
Innovate 4 Nature — Award for Nature-Positive Solutions
The Innovate 4 Nature Award honors projects, companies, and entrepreneurs that have developed promising, high-quality nature-positive solutions. The four key areas of the I4N Award are sustainable management of ecosystems; nature as infrastructure; regenerative agriculture; and circular nature-positive solutions. The award offers a total of CHF 100 thousand in prize money. In addition to the financial support, award winners can benefit from access to an ecosystem of partners and experts. The application deadline is 05 April 2024. Innovate 4 Nature Award
Chatham House — Microgrants
The Chatham House Sustainability Accelerator provides microgrants to crowdsource and catalyze innovative ideas to reach a sustainable future. Grants of £1,000 are available to transform ideas for sustainability solutions to solve sustainability challenges. Chatham House welcomes applications from all backgrounds and geographies. Applications from registered businesses or companies will not be accepted. Applicants must apply as individuals or groups of individuals or charitable/community organizations. Applications must be submitted by 15 April 2024. Kow more
School of International Futures — Next Generation Foresight Fellowship
The Next Generation Foresight Fellowship is an opportunity for young professionals to have more support as they begin to explore the futures and foresight field. Each fellow receives a US$1,000 prize to develop and accelerate their project. By the end of their fellowship, all fellows have the chance to run for the Fellowship Main Prize, which consists of US$10 thousand. The fellowship is open to anyone aged between 18 and 35. The closing date for submissions is 31 May 2024. Foresight Fellowship