The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Government of Switzerland — Renewable Energy Promotion in Developing Countries

The independent platform Renewable Energy, Energy and Resource Efficiency Promotion in Developing and Transition Countries (REPIC) supports projects in the field of renewable energies and/or energy efficiency and/or resource efficiency (waste, wastewater and industrial processes). The project applicant has to be a Swiss organization (companies, NGOs, institutes, etc.) but the project target country must be a developing country. The maximum amount per project is CHF 150 thousand. Applications can be submitted at any time. Application procedure

Halcyon — Support for Early-Stage Social Entrepreneurs

The Halcyon Incubator program equips early-stage social entrepreneurs from all around the world with support to transform their ideas into scalable and sustainable ventures. Ventures may be for-profit, hybrid, or undecided, as long as the core mission is to create measurable social change. (Note: This may include business ideas in agriculture, sustainable energy, or sustainable development.) Ventures structured as ‘non-profit’ will only be considered if they have a product or service they are selling. Partnerships (ventures co-founded and led by two individuals) are eligible. Selected entrepreneurs will receive a $10 thousand stipend per venture for food and living expenses during the residency phase, mentorship, one-on-one coaching, and 5 months of free workspace at Halcyon House. Applications are accepted until 20 October 2023. Halcyon Incubator Program

The Green Web Foundation — Green Web Fellowship

The Green Web Foundation seeks practitioners for a paid part-time fellowship of 10 months. Successful fellows will deliver a project that contributes to the digital rights and climate justice movements. Fellows participate in workshops on effective climate communication, digital sustainability and more. Fellows receive a stipend of €6 thousand and a project budget to pay for materials, travel and other expenses related to their proposed project. The call for applications closes on 31 October 2023. Know more

Global Thinkers Forum — Mentoring Program 2024

The Global Thinkers Forum brings together a diverse network of thought leaders to share their visions of the future, create meaningful conversations around them, and effect positive change in the world. The program consists of a 8-month mentoring cycle that includes one-on-one sessions between experienced thought leaders with individuals aged between 18-29 from all over the world. The program’s mentors are successful individuals across several professional fields and countries. The application deadline is 30 November 2023. Become a Global Thinkers Mentee

American Association of Zoo Veterinarians — Zoological Medicine and Wildlife Health Research Grant

The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV) awards the Zoological Medicine and Wildlife Health Research Grant to professionals in zoological medicine for the care and conservation of captive and free-ranging wildlife. Two categories of funding are available: standard grants (maximum US$20 thousand) and small grants (maximum US$7,500). Application deadline is 15 December 2023. Click here for the Guidelines

European Commission Erasmus Mundus — Joint Masters

The Erasmus Mundus Master’s programs International Master of Science in Environmental Technology and Engineering (IMETE) and Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation (COASTHazar), Flood Risk Management, and Groundwater and Global Change – Impact and Adaptation (GroundWatCh) are open for application. All four programs include studies at three institutions in three different countries. Scholarships are available on a competitive basis. Applications have to be submitted by 08 January 2024. EMJM Scholarships

Erasmus Mundus Programme — Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management

The Master Degree Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR) is a two-year international program in the field of Forestry and Sustainability. The MEDfOR Consortium includes seven European universities with expertise in Mediterranean forestry. The master course is open to EU and non-EU students. Scholarships to cover participation costs, travel costs and a monthly subsistence allowance will be offered by different funding agencies according to specific eligibility requirements. The program is open to candidates from all over the world, who have a bachelor degree in Biological Sciences, Environmental and Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Economics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biochemistry or similar areas. The closing date for applications is 01 March 2024. Details for the Academic Year 2024/2026

COP28 Presidency — Energy Transition Changemakers

The COP28 Presidency seeks projects that offer game-changing innovative solutions or approaches accelerating the just energy transition. Companies and organizations from all over the world are welcome to apply. The top projects will have the opportunity to present their work to an audience in separate sessions during COP28 UAE at Expo City Dubai. The deadline to apply is 09 October 2023. Energy Transition Changemakers

Reece Foundation — Grants for Water

The Reece Foundation makes grants in support of projects that support access to clean water, sanitation or water for agricultural & food security purposes. Projects are supported both internationally and locally. The Foundation accepts grant applications for proposals between US$5 thousand and US$30 thousand. Eligibility extends to non-profit organizations, community groups and individuals sponsored by a not-for-profit entity. Grant applications close on 09 October 2023. Reece Foundation Grants

International Fund for Agricultural Development — Grants to Improve Resilience and Food Security

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will finance the implementation of a project on “Innovative regenerative agriculture approaches to improve resilience and food security”. The goal is to contribute to more productive and nutritious climate resilient and sustainable agricultural production through the application of regenerative agriculture techniques. The overall grant is US$500 thousand. (Note: The recipient’s contribution must be at least 25% for private sector applicants.) Deadline for submission is 13 October 2023. Link to IFAD