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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences — International Awards for Young Agricultural Researchers 2024

The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan make research awards in agriculture. Up to three young agricultural researchers with outstanding research proposals in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related themes will receive US$5 thousand each to further their research. Applicants must be nationals of a developing country, and belong to a non-Japanese research institute or a non-Japanese university. Candidates need to be younger than age 40 to be eligible. The deadline for applications is 17 May 2024. Awards for Young Agricultural Researchers

Breakthrough Prize — Breakthrough Junior Challenge

The Breakthrough Junior Challenge asks youth to submit scientific discoveries or explain a big scientific idea in Physics, Life Sciences, or Mathematics with a short video (max. 2:00 minutes). One winner receives a US$250 thousand post-secondary scholarship, including an additional US$50 thousand teacher prize and US$100 thousand Breakthrough Science Lab. Eligibility is limited to individuals between the ages of 13 and 18 but is open to participants worldwide without geographic limitations. Videos have to be submitted by 25 June 2024. Know more

Food and Agriculture Organization — FAO Fellowships 2024

The FAO Fellowship Programme is designed to attract fellows — typically PhD students, researchers, and professors — who have an advanced level of relevant technical knowledge and experience in any field of agriculture, fisheries, or forestry. Fellows will be assigned to supervisors in FAO’s headquarters or its regional, sub-regional, or country offices. Applicants should have a graduate or post-graduate degree, or be enrolled in a PhD program. FAO encourages qualified female applicants and qualified nationals of non- and under-represented member countries to apply. There are no age limits. The application deadline is 25 August 2024. Learn more

Pulitzer Center — Global Reporting Grant

The Pulitzer Center Global Reporting Grant supports in-depth, high-impact reporting on critical issues that are often overlooked in the media, from global health to climate change. The Pulitzer Center will provide a travel grant of US$5 thousand for a reporting project on topics of global importance. The Grant is open to all journalists, writers, photographers, radio producers, filmmakers, staff journalists as well as freelancers and media professionals from any developing country. Applications can be submitted anytime. Pulitzer Center Global Reporting Grant

Rufford Foundation — Grants for Nature Conservation

The Rufford Foundation makes grants for nature conservation undertaken by small and medium-sized organizations for projects in the developing world. The Foundation prefers projects that are pragmatic, and that have a significant human element. There are no restrictions by nationality or country of residence. Grant applications are made in sequential stages: first grant, second grant, booster grants, and completion grant. Grants start at £6 thousand and increase to £15 thousand for projects that complete each stage. Applications can be submitted at any time. Instructions for Applicants

World Bank — PhD Scholarship for Research in Development

The Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP) provides support to PhD candidates from developing countries to conduct PhD research on a development topic in a World Bank member country other than the Fellow’s home country. The funding is for 6-10 months in any field of applied research that addresses poverty alleviation. The fellowship offers compensation, totaling $42,750 per fellow. Candidates must be enrolled in a PhD program and be under 35 years old. The application deadline is 28 February 2024. Link to RSMFP

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations — Fellowship Program

The FAO Fellows Program offers scholarships for Master of Science degree courses in Hungary. The scholarship will cover application and tuition fees, dormitory accommodation, subsistence costs, and health insurance. Selected candidates may be asked to take a written or oral English examination as part of the admission procedure. Applicants have to be nationals of a FAO Member Nation. The closing date for applications is 29 February 2024. FAO Fellowship Program

RespectOcean — Ocean Pitch Challenge

The Ocean Pitch Challenge seeks economically viable solutions for the protection of the oceans and its marine and coastal ecosystems. 10 finalists will get a chance to pitch their ideas and have their solutions funded by investors. The call for applications closes on 29 February 2024. Ocean Pitch Challenge

Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World — Early-Career Fellowship

The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) supports female scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) with doctoral fellowships in the natural sciences. The early-career fellowships are for the pursuit of a doctoral degree at a host institution in a developing country that is not the applicant’s home country. The Fellowship is for two years and provides up to US$50 thousand. Applicants should be qualified young women science graduates (generally below 40 years of age), who have an M.Sc. degree or outstanding B.Sc. in the natural sciences. The eligible scientific fields include agricultural sciences; biological systems and organisms; and many others. The deadline for submission of applications is 14 March 2024. OWSD Early-Career Fellowship

Audi Environmental Foundation — One Young World Scholarship

The One Young World Summit brings together young talents (ages 18-30) from many nationalities to share solutions addressing the world’s pressing issues. One Young World offers scholarships to ensure that the most qualified young leaders participate in the Summit, regardless of their ability to pay. Selected participants receive a fully-funded scholarship to attend the One Young World Summit in Montréal, Canada (September 2024). The application deadline is 17 March 2024. One Young World Scholarships