The Agropolis Foundation supports foreign young scientists and senior researchers coming to France for a minimum of 4 months to work within a unit of the network. The exchange program is designed to generate proposals addressing agriculture and climate change, the sustainable use of biodiversity within an agricultural context, and responsible production and consumption. The lead proponent should be from one of the research units belonging to the Foundation’s scientific network. A maximum of €30 thousand can be requested per applicant. The deadline for applications is 08 September 2023. Agropolis Foundation
Sustainable Energy for All — Sustainable Cooling Solutions
Sustainable Energy for All seeks youth-led sustainable cooling solutions that can improve affordability and increase access to sustainable cooling. Entries may be submitted by individuals or groups, all under 35 years of age. Three teams will receive a cash prize and further support from the competition sponsors. Solutions must be submitted by 15 September 2023. This Is Cool Challenge
Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries — Fellowship Program in Freshwater Science
The Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) in Germany invites scientists from all countries and at different career stages to apply for a research visit. The program offers fellowships for PhD students, postdocs, and senior scientists for up to 24 months. The position is intended as an opportunity to join IGB to develop and implement original research ideas in ecology, evolutionary biology, microbiology, Ecohydrology, chemistry, behavioral ecology, genomics, inland fisheries and aquaculture. IGB is determined to increase the proportion of women in science, and particularly encourages female scientists to apply. The next application deadline is 01 October 2023. Link to Postdoctoral Positions
Global Youth Climate Action Fund — Microgrants 2023
The Global Youth Climate Action Fund (GYCAF) makes microgrants to finance youth-led climate action in communities vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Focus areas include smart agriculture to ensure food sustainability, clean energy for local communities, protecting marine life and mitigating climate catastrophes, and biodiversity conservation. Grants range from US$500 to US$1000. The fund targets youth-led organizations and networks seeking funding for their projects and businesses. The application deadline is 16 June 2023. GYCAF Microgrants
University of the Sunshine Coast — PhD Scholarships in Tropical Forest Restoration
The University of the Sunshine Coast offers five PhD scholarships for projects related to restoration of degraded tropical forest landscapes. Graduate students will undertake their research as part of a large reforestation project working with communities to restore degraded landscapes in the Philippines. Applicants must be based in Australia or willing to relocate to Australia. The scholarship includes a monthly salary, tuition of 3 years and an allowance for relocation. Applications are open until 23 June 2023. PhD Scholarships in Tropical Forest Restoration
OpenIDEO — Climate Resiliency Challenge
The Climate Resiliency Challenge seeks organizations and teams across the globe to develop solutions that will empower frontline communities to be ready and resilient against disasters caused by climate change – in particular, wildfires, floods, and extreme weather. Winners will receive prizes ranging from US$50 thousand to US$200 thousand. The challenge is open to individuals, teams of individuals, and legal entities. Deadline for submissions is 10 July 2023. Climate Resiliency Challenge
Technische Universität Dresden — Forest Governance Scholarship for PhD
The Department of Forest Sciences at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences offers a Forest Governance Scholarship for PhD dedicated to research in the field of “Forest Farmers’ Organizations in timber value chains: Financial performance, power, and governance”. The awardee will be based at the socio-economics in forestry research group in Tharandt (Dresden, Germany). The deadline for applications is 16 July 2023. Forest Governance Scholarship
French Development Agency — Social and Environmental Justice
The Agence Française de Développement (AFD) accepts expressions of interest for research projects that address the contribution for the commons and citizen participation from a social and environmental justice perspective. The budget requested must not exceed €200 thousand per project. The research projects must be carried out in developing countries specified in the announcement. This call is dedicated to teams of researchers and social actors engaged both in the production of new research and in a public policy dialogue. The call is open until 23 July 2023. More here
Teach A Man To Fish — Trash To Cash Challenge
The Trash To Cash Challenge seeks young innovators who want to launch a business which has a positive impact on the environment. The Challenge is to collect materials normally thought of as ‘trash’ or waste and create a new product with them. Then, participants have one day to sell their product and make as much cash as possible. Prizes are awarded to our most inspiring Ecopreneurs. Young people under 25 are invited to take part in the challenge. The application deadline is 24 July 2023. Trash To Cash Challenge
Fondation SUEZ — Access to Water and Sanitation
The Fondation SUEZ supports access to essential services such as water, sanitation and waste for underprivileged populations in developing countries. One reward goes to an unregistered, royalty-free innovation developed by a non-profit organization. The other recognizes and encourages an initiative led by a social entrepreneur. The two winning projects receive €50 thousand each. Applications have to be submitted by 30 October 2023. Visit Fondation SUEZ