The Terra Viva Grants Directory brings free funding information to the developing world. Please consider making a donation to support our operations.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Earth Journalism Network — Coastal Resilience Story Grants

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists worldwide to support the production of in-depth stories that will call attention to coastal resiliency and solutions for coastal issues. EJN welcomes any story ideas that will explore coastal resilience issues, including ecosystem rehabilitation, livelihood and food security, shelter and infrastructure, land use and development. EJN expects to award grants of approximately US$1,200 each. The application deadline is 06 February 2023. Coastal Resilience Story Grants

Udaan Youth Club Tyodhi — YouthLeadG20 Fellowship Program

The YouthLeadG20 Fellowship Program is a virtual forum for young changemakers to share their opinion around the possibilities of India’s G20 Presidency and youth-related focus areas, including Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction, among others. Selected fellows will be promoted to YouthLeadG20 ambassador in their countries, certification and direct consideration for similar opportunities. This fellowship is open to individuals from G20 countries only. The deadline to apply for this program is 12 February 2023. Details

Earth Journalism Network — Reporting on Marine Pollution

The Earth Journalism Network (EJN) offers reporting grants to journalists worldwide to support the production of in-depth stories on the sources and impacts of different forms of marine pollution and solutions to curb them. EJN welcomes story ideas that focus on marine pollution – its sources, impacts on ecosystems and marine species; and ongoing efforts to regulate sources of marine pollution. EJN expects to award grants of approximately US$1,200 each. The application deadline is 12 February 2023. Story Grants Marine Pollution

KU Leuven — Global Minds Doctoral Scholarships Programme

KU Leuven is the largest university in Flanders, Belgium. As one part of its cooperation to advance international development, KU Leuven offers Global Minds Scholarships to candidates from developing countries. Global Minds is a ‘sandwich’ system, which means that 50% of the research takes place at KU Leuven and 50% at the home institution of the scholar. The scholarships have a duration of 48 months. The program also reimburses travel costs from the home country of the PhD student to Belgium. Online applications have to be completed before 09 March 2023. More about the application procedure

United Nations Foundation — SDG Workshop

The Big Brainstorm seeks young leaders from around the world for a two week workshop to prototype and launch initiatives to tackle the world’s most urgent sustainable development challenges. Participants apply to one of eight Action Groups, including Climate & Sustainability, among others. Each Action Group will prototype initiatives to solve real-world problems. Each Action Group will be given 8 minutes to present to partners, donors, and other young thinkers and activists. The most successful initiatives will be spotlighted during the SDG Summit (New York, September 2023). The registration deadline is 26 January 2023. Know more

United Nations — World Wildlife Day Film Showcase

The United Nations World Wildlife Day organizes a youth art contest along the theme of “Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation”. Organizers seek art that highlights people making a difference for wildlife. The contest is open to artists from the ages of 4 to 18, entrants will choose a species that has benefited from conservation, and then illustrate it as an individual animal or in its native habitat. Artists must submit their artwork by 06 February 2023. World Wildlife Day Youth Art Contest

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development — GSMA AgriTech Accelerator

The GSMA AgriTech Accelerator aims to support the growth of innovative, revenue-generating digital agriculture solutions that support smallholder farmers’ livelihoods and resilience to climate change. The GSMA will provide up to 10 selected applicants with technical assistance for a period of two years to support the scaling of their digital solutions. The application deadline is 10 February 2023. AgriTech Accelerator

Grow Further — Grants for Agricultural Research Projects

Grow Further invites agricultural researchers to submit proposals for funding and management assistance. Grants support smallholder farmers and other populations at risk, research on domesticated species relevant to food and nutrition security, and communication technology in agriculture. Grants range from US$10 thousand to US$100 thousand per year. All types of organizations, public, private, and nonprofit, are eligible to apply. Most grants will be made to institutions based in low, lower-middle, or upper middle-income countries. The application deadline is 31 January 2023. Visit Grow Further

Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation — Environmental Sustainability Grants

The Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation’s grant making in Environmental Sustainability addresses the pressures and conditions that risk global environmental breakdown. Past projects have included topics in sustainable agriculture; energy conservation; environmental degradation; and reduced consumption. The Foundation funds UK organizations for projects to promote peace and sustainable security — and environmental sustainability — including for international projects. Eligibility extends to UK-registered charities and to organizations in other countries that work through UK-registered charities. Most grants are between £5 thousand and £20 thousand per year for up to three years. The next deadline is 03 February 2023. Polden-Puckham Grants

Institute of Current World Affairs — Fellowship Program 2023

The Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA) makes grants to support fellows who carry out self-designed independent studies for a minimum of two years in the developing world. Fellows must hold the promise of enriching public life in the United States by enhancing the understanding of foreign countries, cultures and trends, therefore candidates must show strong and credible ties to U.S. society. Proposals in the fields of environment, climate change, sustainability and conservation are welcome. Candidates who seek fellowships may reside in any developing country. Letters of interest must be submitted by 31 May 2023. About