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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

Siemens — Tech for Sustainability

Tech for Sustainability Campaign is a global initiative for students, researchers, startups and innovative individuals to leverage technology to solve real-world sustainability challenges. Challenges include climate resilience, and global energy. Every challenge listed needs a feasible and technologically viable solution to implement it commercially. Siemens offers €60 thousand total prize money. The deadline for applications is 05 December 2023. Link

Opportunity Desk — Impact Challenge

The OD Impact Challenge seeks to recognize and support the efforts of young people working to bring positive change to their communities. The top three winners will share a cash prize of US$1,000, The opportunity to compete for a seed grant of up US$2,500 and personalized mentoring. The competition is open to young changemakers worldwide. Online applications have to be completed before 10 December 2023. OD Impact Challenge

Rise — Global Talent Program

Rise is a global talent program for young people (ages 15 to 17) from around the world. Each year, Rise will select 100 winners and provide them with need-based financial support for university and internships, mentorship and career services, and access to funding to scale up their social impact throughout their careers. The program is open to any type of young talents, including environmentalists, musicians, artists, performers, product developers, software engineers, researchers, or social or political movement leaders. Participants have to download an app and set up a profile to participate in the selection for the global talents program. The deadline is 17 January 2024. Visit the Rise website to know more

Deloitte — One Young World Scholarships 2024

Deloitte offers One Young World Scholarships which will enable 5 outstanding young leaders to attend the One Young World Summit in Montreal, Canada (September 2024). The scholarship is intended for young leaders focused on reducing the causes and effects of climate change in their communities, countries, or world at large. Scholars will receive access to the One Young World Summit 2024, hotel accommodation, the cost of travel to and from Montreal, and catering. Nationals of all countries between the ages of 18-30 are eligible to apply. The application deadline is 21 January 2024. One Young World Scholarship

Ashoka — Young Changemakers

Ashoka identifies and supports teenagers who start their own initiatives for addressing social and environmental problems. Selected Changemakers are inducted into a global community and gain access to co-leadership bootcamps, media partnerships, public speaking platforms, exposure visits, strategic allies and more opportunities to grow and to influence youth culture in their countries. Candidates must be under 20 years of age to participate. Ashoka offers youth related activities in Nigeria, Brazil, India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and the United States. Expressions of interest can be submitted all year-round. Nominations for Ashoka Young Changemakers are accepted year-round. Details

ClimateScience — Olympiad 2024

ClimateScience is a global charity creating and providing educational resources on solutions to climate change to people worldwide. ClimateScience invites youth from 14-17 years and 18-25 years to participate in the Climate Science Olympiad 2024. Participants can compete in teams of two or on their own. Individual applicants can be matched up with a teammate. Each team (or individual) chooses one of three problem statements (topics: biodiversity, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture) to respond to. The top 3 teams win US$5 thousand, US$3 thousand and US$2 thousand, respectively. Registration ends on 10 May 2024. ClimateScience Olympiad

Iridescent — Technology Entrepreneurship Program for Girls

Technovation invites teams of girls from all over the world to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. Girls work with women mentors, find a problem in their community and develop a mobile app to launch a startup. Categories may include environment, poverty, health, and others. Eligibility extends to teams of up to 5 girls (aged 8-18 years). Registration deadline is 31 January 2024. Learn more about the Technovation Competition

African Development Bank — African Youth Adaptation Solutions Challenge

The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) seek to accelerate climate adaptation action under the African Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP). The program will support the commercialization of climate change adaptation solutions of youth entrepreneurs in Africa. The YouthADAPT Challenge is open to solutions (products, services, tools, or ideas) targeted at climate change adaptation and increasing resilience. AAAP awards a business grant of up to US$100 thousand to further develop the solution. Enterprises must be youth-led (applicants aged between 18 and 35 years) and legally registered and operating in Africa. The application deadline is 05 November 2023. Link to the YouthADAPT Challenge

U.S. Department of State — Small Grants for Young Leaders in Southeast Asia

The Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) is a program of the U.S. government to support bright young leaders ages 18-35 in the ASEAN countries. YSEALI Seeds for the Future is a small grants competition that provides funding of up to $15 thousand for promising young leaders to carry out projects that improve their communities. The four core themes are (1) Civic Engagement, (2) Education, (3) Economic Empowerment and Social Entrepreneurship, and (4) Environmental Issues. The application deadline is 16 November 2023. YSEALI Seeds For the Future

UN Global Compact — Young SDG Innovators Program

The Young SDG Innovators Program is an accelerator program for future business leaders and changemakers to develop and drive innovative SDG solutions through new technologies, initiatives, and business models. Participants participate in online and in-person workshops, case studies, company visits and forum discussions. Companies based in Brazil, China, Kenya, Mexico, South Africa, Ukraine, United Kingdom or the United States have the opportunity to collaborate with their Global Compact Local Networks to nominate young professionals for the program. The nomination deadline is 31 January 2024. Link to UN Global Compact