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The Terra Viva Grants Directory develops and manages information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.

MCW Global — Young Leaders Access Program

MCW Global seeks to help communities around the world achieve greater levels of education, improved health, and increased economic security. The Young Leaders Access Program (YLP) is a year-long program that prepares young people (18 to 26) to become leaders of change in their communities. The program offers virtual training modules, Zoom discussions, and virtual one-on-one learning between mentors and mentees. Young leaders must demonstrate commitment to their community and identify an issue in their community to address. Applications have to be submitted before 13 March 2022. Young Leaders Access Program

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development — Small Grants Program

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) supports regional transboundary programs to address critical challenges in climate change, food security, water and related disasters, land use, and air quality. The small grants program is to help grow the network of government agencies, universities, and institutions in the HKH region that utilize geospatial tools and information to improve decision-making. SERVIR-HKH expects to award 4-5 grants. Individual grants will not exceed US$30 thousand. Applications will be accepted from institutions based in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan. The deadline for submission of concept papers is 25 March 2022. Link to SERVIR-HKH

Climate Tracker — Global Climate Change Media Mentorship

Climate Tracker seeks young (18-35 years) journalists from around the world to join the Global Climate Change Media Mentorship. Six young journalists eager to produce climate stories will cover the climate crisis from the frontlines, producing exclusive stories for Climate Tracker. The deadline to apply is 18 February 2022. Climate Change Media Mentorship

Earth Island Institute — Youth Award for Environmental Leadership

Earth Island Institute seeks applications for the Brower Youth Award for Environmental Leadership. The award is intended for ongoing environmental efforts, therefore, research and science fair projects will not be considered. Six winners will receive $3 thousand in cash, a professionally produced short film about their work, and a week-long trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Young environmental leaders ages 13 to 22 living in North America (including Mexico, Canada, and some Caribbean Islands) are encouraged to apply. The deadline for submission is 14 May 2022. Overview

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization — Youth Multimedia Competition

UNESCO invites youth around the world to take part in a Multimedia Competition in response to an acute world problem. The 2022 competition revolves around a question on “the Sustainable Development Goals and how local communities deal with them”. Participants are required to produce a 3-minute video, multimedia presentation, 500-700 written essay, or art work. The competition is divided by age groups: Juniors (ages 10-14); Youth (ages 15-19); and Young Adult (ages 20-24). The three finalists from each group will receive a certificate and an invitation to UNESCO’s Builders of the Universe Camp held at Hood College in Frederick (USA), including a scholarship for the fee for the camp, food, accommodations, and transport. The final deadline for submission is 31 March 2022. Youth Multimedia Competition

Asian Development Bank — Atoll Youth Climate Leaders

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) seeks 15 youth from atoll nations who are passionate and committed to being young leaders for change through climate action. The selected youth will be part of the project on “Catalyzing Youth-led Climate Action” and undergo capacity building through a series of training sessions. After capacity building, project teams will work on youth-led climate project demonstrations to be presented at the Ocean Conference (Palau, April 2022). Participants will each receive a certificate of completion from ADB Youth for Asia as well as a daily allowance and communication support for a total of 50 days. Eligibility extends to youth aged 18-30 years old currently living in any of the atoll nations (Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, or the Maldives). Applications have to be submitted by 31 January 2022. Atoll Youth Climate Project

Thought for Food — Ambassador Program 2022

The TFF Community seeks passionate young leaders from all over the world for the TFF Ambassador Program. TFF Ambassadors are groups of volunteers worldwide who commit to spread TFF’s mission on a local level around the world. Ambassadors will have the chance to host meetups and events focused on raising awareness about food and agriculture, play a role in building essential regional, national, and international partnerships, and gain access to resources, training, and tools for capacity building. Applications close on 31 January 2022. TFF Ambassador Program

U.S. Mission Morocco — STEM Youth Engagement

The Public Diplomacy Grants Program aims to promote positive relations between Morocco and the United States and help Moroccan youth (aged 14-25) build and develop skills to improve their potential through innovative science (especially environmental and health awareness), technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) programs. The U.S. Mission considers proposals for projects ranging from US$5 thousand to US$25 thousand. An organization or individual may submit an application. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until 31 May 2022. Morocco STEM Youth Engagement

U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs — Youth Ambassadors Program 2022

The U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs seeks applications from U.S. public and private non-profit organizations to deliver the Youth Ambassadors Program 2022. The Youth Ambassadors program supports youth empowerment and development by equipping exchange participants from foreign countries with the knowledge and skills to become active and responsible members of their communities. The program includes a three-week exchange for high school youth (ages 15- 18) focused on social inclusion, entrepreneurship, countering disinformation, and environmental protection. Participants engage in a variety of activities such as workshops, training activities and community site visits. The Bureau intends to award a cooperative agreement for an estimated total amount of US$10,2 million. The closing date for applications is 14 March 2022. Know more

Children’s Climate Foundation — Children’s Climate Prize

The Children’s Climate Prize invites innovative and groundbreaking ideas and solutions on the issue of climate change. The prize is awarded to children aged 12-17 who have made extraordinary efforts for the climate and environment. The winners will be invited to Sweden and receive prize money of SEK 100 thousand to continue to develop their projects. Individuals, groups or organizations can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else. Nominations from all over the world are welcome. The deadline is 15 May 2022. Children’s Climate Prize 2022